ICW 2024 Workshop

International Clustering Workshop

on Teaching, Researching, adn Education

October 17-18, 2024



Data Science Laboratory, Ton Duc Thang University

National Crisisonomy Institute, Chungbuk National University​

Crisis & Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis

Database/Bioinformatics Laboratory, Chungbuk National University​

General Information

International Clustering Workshop, ICW, on teaching, researching, and education is shaping up to be an annual workshop to provide a platform for presentations and discussions of recent developments and future trends in Information Technology,  Interdisciplinary Research, and their Applications.


​ICW is emerging as a leading forum for Information Technology, IT, professionals, and researchers to discuss and present the latest research trends and results in Information Technology,  Interdisciplinary Research, and their Applications.


ICW 2023 Workshop at Chungbuk National University on teaching, researching, and education promises to be an exciting event that will host leading IT researchers and Crisisonomy researchers from across the globe and will provide the opportunity to build international research collaborations.

Zoom Invitation Link


17-18 October, 2024

09:00 ~ 18:30 Seoul (Korean Standard Time) 

08:00 ~ 17:30 China and Mongolia

07:00 ~ 16:30 Vietnam and Thailand


Offline (Place: CBNU - College of Electrical and Computer Engineering BLD E8-7)

Online through Zoom:

ID: 232 152 6191

Password: 2254

Note that all zoom links have the same ID and Password​.


Zoom Thu Oct 17, 2024, 09 AM – 12 PM:


Time (KST)

October 17



Jae Soo Yoo (Korea), Oyun-Erdene Namsrai (Mongolia), and Pham Van Huy (Vietnam)​
Registration and ICW 2024 Opening Speech​


Keun Ho Ryu – Professor, Chungbuk National University, Korea / Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam

Oyun-Erdene Namsrai – Professor, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia ​


Professor Oyun-Erdene Namsrai Group, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia​
  1. Development of Contents for Gyeongbokgung Palace of Joseon Based on Guyuk Metaverse and Construction of UNESCO Korean Cultural Heritage Space, Namuun Bayarsaikhan, Park Jin Ho and Enkhbayar Altantsetseg​
  2. Noise-based rendering techniques, Ganchimeg PurevOchir, Oyunbaatar Tumentsogtand Oyundolgor Khorloo​
  3. A Unified Dataset of UML Class Diagram Metrics for Bug Prediction, Batnyam Battulga, Lkhamrolom Tsoodol, Naranchimeg Bold, Oyun-Erdene Namsrai​


Coffee Break (with Photo Time)​


Professor Uyanga Sambuu Group, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia​
  1. Automating call center calls using Chimege(speech to text) and OpenAi, Azzaya Battogtokh, Uyanga Sambuu, Oyundolgor Khorloo​
  2. Solution for enhancing the information system of the archives sector in Mongolia. Davaakhuu Bayarmagnai, Uyanga Sambuu, Oyun-Erdene Namsrai, Azzaya Battogtokh​


Lunch Break​


Zoom Thu Oct 17, 2024, 1:30 PM – 06:30 PM:


Time (KST)

October 17



Oyun-Erdene Namsrai – Professor, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia


Professor Jae Eun Lee Group and Aziz Nasridinov Group, Chungbuk National University, Korea​
  1. Role of the Internet of Things in Levee Infrastructure Asset Management: A Case Study of the Yellow River Basin in Shandong Province, Dong LIN (Department of Crisisonomy)​
  2. Self-Supervised Defect Detection of Multi-View 3D Pose Estimation from Non-Calibrated Cameras, Tserenpurev Chuluunsaikhan (Computer Science Department)


Professor Pham Van Huy Group, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam​
  1. Vietnamese - English machine translations on Teencode style, Hoang-Nguyen Nguyen and Phuoc Tran (Data Science laboratory)​
  2. Enhancing Image Colorization with Aggregated Residual Network and Learned Perceptual Loss, Phuoc-Thinh Le, Van-Huy Pham (Data Science laboratory)​


Coffee Break​


Keun Ho Ryu – Professor, Chungbuk National University, Korea / Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam


Professor Wang Ling Group, Northeast Electric Power University, Professor Huilin Zheng Group, Guilin University of Technology, China
  1. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks, Zhen Tian (Department of Software Engineering)​
  2. Heart Disease Recognition Model  Based on HRV Spectral Amplitude Feature, Tianshuo Bi (Big data and Bioinformatic Laboratory) Critical Infrastructure Types for National Crisis Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Hypothetical Case Studies of Extreme Disasters and New Terrorism Threats


Invited Keynotes: Jae Eun Lee (Chungbuk National University), Nipon Theera-Umpon (Chiang Mai University) ​
Jae Eun Lee - Critical Infrastructure Types for National Crisis Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Hypothetical Case Studies of Extreme Disasters and New Terrorism Threats
Nipon Theera-Umpon - Staining-Independent Automatic Malaria Diagnosis in Blood Smear Images​


Banquet Dinner


Zoom Thu Oct 17, 2024, 1:30 PM – 06:30 PM:


Time (KST)

October 18



Keun Ho Ryu – Professor, Chungbuk National University, Korea / Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam

Oyun-Erdene Namsrai – Professor, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia


Professor Oyun-Erdene Namsrai and Uyanga Sambuu Group, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia​
  1. Artificial Intelligence and School Information Management System recent updates," Baatarbileg Altangerel, Munkhnasan Tuvdendor, Oyun-Erdene Namsrai
  2. Building a Mongolian corpus for Natural Language Processing" Byambasuren Ivanov, Uuganbaatar Dulamragchaa, Purevsuren Tumurbaatar
  3. Program Development and Implementation: Ongoing projects at the Department of Information and Computer Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Oyun-Erdene Namsrai, Mend-Amar Majig, Uyanga Sambuu​


Professor Keun Ho Ryu - Discussions for FITAT 2025, ICW 2025 and MIRM 2025, and Report FITAT 2024​
  1. Report on FITAT 2024​
  2. Springer Book Proposal for FITAT 2025, Hoch Minh City, Vietnnam
  3. Joint ICW 2025, China to International Joint Conference​
  4. MIRM for joining few new members​


Lunch Break​


Campus and City Tour


ICW 2024 Tour Plan:​
Chungbuk National University Campus Tour​
Cheongju City Tour​

Closing the ICW 2024​